About Us

Our inventive, data-driven approaches help organizations and people around the world to perform more effectively and achieve better results. We aim at establishing strategic, long-term client relationships with continued persistent support.

real numbers

High Growth Rate



Product Development

We draw together deep industry expertise and the latest IT advancements to deliver custom solutions and products that ideally fit the needs and behaviour of the users. we work on the stages — idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, building a market strategy, product development, market testing, and market commercialization.


We are working efficiently to deliver unique solutions to start-ups, software development companies, enterprises, and digital agencies to simplify their IT outsourcing experience & reduce time/cost to market.

IT consulting

We work with a strong understanding of your business needs to discover results that meet your long-term goals. Our specialist can help to develop and implement an effective IT strategy, help in smooth digital transformation and system integration as well as advise on improvements to your digital customer experience.

Dedicated Team

Our dedicated team is designed to reduce your overhead while making sure high-quality, timely deliverables for each project. enhance your software development abilities with our experienced, skilled, reliable, & professional dedicated software development teams.


Share Details

Share a few details such as car model, purchase date, and previous insurance policy details to find various insurance policies and their premium

Customise Features

ACKO offers many useful add-ones to enhance your car insurance plan and offer wider coverage. Add/delete add-ons as per your requirement.

Enjoy Exciting Discounts

We provide a lot of exciting discounts and offers to help you save more on premium. Check them to make your quote look even better.

why choose us

Top 3 reasons to choose Bimaadvice for insurance

We get that you would want to compare Insurance policies and get the one that has low price

Incredibly low premiums 70%
Super easy claims 80%
Unique plans & discounts 60%