Death, injury or accidental damage to the property, in case of any problem in the product manufactured by the insured
The plan compensates claims due to accidents, injury and damage taking place on your premises in connection to your business
Various categories of professions like doctors and lawyers
Liabilities falling on them due to any omission or mistake done by them while offering the service
Death or injury or occupational disease taking place during the course of the employment
Injuries caused due to mental loss, loss of reputation, defamation and other similar matters
Costs due to recall of any product
Liability due to pollution
Illegal personal profit
Employment Practice litigations
Regulatory investigations
Customer suits
Accounting irregularities
Other stakeholder claims
Lacking contractual obligations. For example, the company might reject the claim for damage due to fire, if you have not kept fire extinguishers in your factory, which is mandatory as per the law.